Content curation...

 Hey! What's up! Welcome to another post. 

Have you ever heard about the word 


Yes, we as teachers have to create a wide range of content elements, and we always want to be as more creative as possible, so we spend hours and hours looking for information on the Internet until our brain says stop and gets veeeery exhausted.

I'm pooped

For this reason, we have to treat content, that is, content curation

I am going to use Symbaloo website because I consider it keeps all the information you have organized in a clear layout.

It is very interesting because it looks like the desktop you have on your computer! The amazing thing about this website is that you can collect all the most important information you consider as a teacher, and you can create some folders in which you can access this information and check it when you need it without spending hours looking on the Internet! 

Sounds wonderful right?


I am going to attach my personal Symbaloo screen below, in which you will check my Webmix called "Favourite class websites", in which you will access the most important websites teachers should bear in mind while teaching. I made 3 different groups according to the purpose of the website itself. The groups are:

- Websites for creating content.

- Websites for daily use.

- Websites for interacting with the students during the lessons.


Hope you find it effective and practical.

The link is the following: 

Thank youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu 

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