Sharing stories through comics...

 Hello! Welcome to another post


Today I am going to show you a creative tool for using in learning class. With this tool, you will become an expert in storytelling because I am going to explain to you how to create comics.

Comics are a great visual representation of knowledge and they can be useful for multiple purposes. Depending on the specific purpose you have plenty of possibilities to create. Some of the most popular websites to create comics are:

- Prixton

- Creaza


At first, it can be very exhausting because you have to start by choose among billion possibilities of backgrounds, characters, actions, and emotions, but don't worry, this is the toughest step. Take your necessary time to do it 

(I spent more than two hours only looking and selecting specific things!) Bitmoji Image

After that, you can start creating your comic! 

The funny thing is that the students will participate more and they increase their thinking, creating and writing skills. Bitmoji Image 

 Students can experience stressful situations, and they can feel very frustrated and demotivated when they are learning something they do not understand. For this reason, I am going you share with you the first comic I have proudly created. I decided to discover the StoryboardThat website

I have to say that I felt really surprised and satisfied with the facilities of this website. I have not any problems while I was creating the comic. It is true that you have to take into account many details, but the more original you are the best! 

The comic itself I have created is about emotions, how to cope with frustration in particular. It shows a story about a person who does not like to study maths... and she feels really frustrated and demotivated. The story can make students empathize with this avatar, and it can be useful for them to feel more confident while learning maths.

It is true that it takes a very long time to create the comic, but I need to say that I did not realize the time! Another important thing about this website is that every 15 minutes it is reminding you for saving your comic, but DO NOT DO IT until you finish!!! Because you can save your comic ONLY TWICE, and if you want to save it a third time you have to pay for the premium version. 

Have a look and tell me what do you think about it!

Made with Storyboard That

You can show the story as an animated gif too: 


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