
Hello! Welcome to another post

This post is going to be dedicated to podcasts! Yayyyy! silly wave

Podcasting has been becoming hardly trending these recent years, and some teachers have started using it in class! But... how can you take advantage of this tool during classes? 

There are a lot of advantages of using educational podcasts. First and foremost, it can reinforce the students' oral comprehension, you keep the students' attention on what they are listening to and stimulate the imagination. Apart from that, you can collect all these podcasts in a playlist and you can listen to them all the times you want! This means that everybody can listen to the contents you explain, some important information about the course... and so on. You won't have any excuse that you have forgotten to turn in your homework!

With podcasting, you will become a storyteller, and the wonderful fact is that you can also add some original intonation and some action to your podcasts. There are such amazing ideas to use podcasts in class, for example, you can transform the class into a radio program. Your creative side will appear and your children would appreciate it! 

Once you have already recorded your podcasts you will create a collection to store all of them. Personally, I decided to use the SoundCloud website because is the most common for podcast storage, but if you want to discover new tools you can have a look at: 

- Ivoox

- Podomatic

SoundCloud is an online platform in which you can upload audio recordings, songs, podcasts... the website is all related to audio distribution. The tracks can be listened for the SoundCloud community or even shared on social networks if you want to reach more audiences! Also, it is a very practical website because it allows you to create different playlists to compile the same topic audios. 

I need to say that I am new at podcasting, so, at first, I found it difficult how to structure the information I want to say in the podcast. You need to write an audio transcript so that you can have everything well organized and you do not go around the bushes while you are recording the podcast! Take into account that you need to create some podcasts before the real one, you have to practice with the microphone and check if the volume of your voice is correct and if the podcast is well recorded.

Finally, I will also share with you some important blogs so that you can get inspired, which talks about podcasting tips and some pieces of advice: flirty wink

DirectoINTEF Educational Podcasts

Educational podcast workshop (in Spanish)
The voice of BP2.0
Educ@conTIC Podcast

Here I am going to leave my first podcast script, the link for my SoundCloud channel, and the Playlist I have created for this new unit! On the podcast, you will listen to me welcoming the new arts & crafts unit, explaining how it will be organized and the task the students (6th-graders) have to do. You will hear the audio in which I do not welcome my students on the new course, it is supposed that the classroom has been using podcasting since the beginning of the course. 

You can follow my channel just HERE, follow me!!

The audio track:

Did you hear the wonderful audio I added on the podcast? It makes it more original and provocative to students!!! If you want to use free music for your podcasts, you will need this super website, called Free Music Archive! Interesting...

New Unit Playlist:


I will also share with you the transcript for the audio track in case you do not understand well my English, so here it is:



Don't forget to follow me on Twitter!!! 


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